Amazon Seller Search: How To Find Seller On Amazon?

Amazon Seller Search: How To Find Seller On Amazon?

Amazon Seller Search: How To Find Seller On Amazon?

Looking for a specific seller on Amazon? This guide walks you through simple methods to locate sellers, check their profiles, and explore their storefronts efficiently.


Nov 14, 2024

Amazon Seller Search: How To Find Seller On Amazon?


Table of Contents

According to the latest data in 2022, there are over 2 million small and medium sized businesses on Amazon. 

That may discourage you in your attempt to search and contact Amazon sellers

However, there are plenty of ways to find a seller on Amazon, if you are aware of some easy hacks. 

It also helps if you already have specific information on a seller you are trying to locate on Amazon. 

But before we get into that, let’s look into Amazon sellers a tad more. 

Who Are The Sellers on Amazon?

In today’s day and age, anyone can launch a storefront on Amazon and become an ecommerce seller in no time. 

That doesn’t mean it’s easy; however, it’s reported that 29% of sellers on Amazon launched their store in fewer than 6 weeks. 

Also, a majority of sellers on Amazon are spending less than 20h per week working on the storefront. 

While there are many challenges to launching a store on Amazon, the fact is that there are Amazon sellers from over 100 countries, of every age, from 18-80 years old. 

However, that only means Amazon needed to get out of their way in securing sellers private information. Finding personal information on any seller is downright impossible, unless the sellers wanted the information out there. 

Can You Search For a Seller on Amazon?

Yes, and you can find a seller depending on the type of information you already have. 

If you are trying to find a seller on Amazon by their full name, it’s highly unlikely that you will find them. This only happens if the sellers somehow managed to put their private information out there, which would be against Amazon’s TOS. 

How Do I Find Someone’s Amazon Store?

how to find a seller on Amazon

Depending on the information you have at your disposal, you will have several tricks that can help you find a seller on Amazon.  

Search on Amazon!

The simplest way to do Amazon seller search is to use the search bar on website. 

You can search by: 

  • Store Name.

  • Specific product.

  • Owner’s name. 

As mentioned above, the third option is unlikely to give you relevant results and help you locate the Amazon seller in question.

However, if you know the name of the store, or at least a part of it, you can use that and search for it. 

If you search for the correct Store Name, you are likely to get a bunch of products that are being sold by that seller. 

If you don’t know the name of their store, then you can try and search for a product you know they are selling. 

The broader the product is, the more sifting you will have to do.

Search a Third-Party List

There’s a list of top Amazon sellers in the USA, as well as top sellers from other countries. You can search for any seller on Amazon and they are sorted from best to worst. 

Keep in mind that this list is very long and it can take you days to find a seller, unless you have some information that can help. 

Since there’s a search function, knowing only some letters or part of the store’s name can help you shrink those results incredibly well. 

Once you find the store, you will get plenty of information, like when the store is founded on Amazon, list of all their products, whether they offer prime shipping and how you can contact them. 

Subscribe To a Tool Like Helium 10

By using a third-party tool like Helium 10, you can find plenty of information on each seller. This is immensely helpful if you are interested in starting your own Amazon storefront. 

It can also help you do product research, and find how many units of a specific product are sold every month. 

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to search amazon sellers by location?

Unfortunately, there is no way to search Amazon Sellers by location, if you are not using any premium tool. It is a possibility if you subscribe to a tool like Helium 10 – using it, you can find seller location along with plenty of other information, like sales, keywords and other relevant listing information. 

How do you find out who is selling an item on Amazon?

On any product page on Amazon, you can see “who” is selling the product. This is likely a third-party or a marketplace seller.  

Bottom Line

Doing a quality Amazon seller search is not too complicated, but it does not always bring a positive outcome.

With the help of tools and tricks mentioned above, you should be able to increase your odds of finding an Amazon seller, and then contacting them or learning more about their store, products or sales. 

Michael Leander

Michael Leander

Michael Leander

Senior Marketing Consultant

Michael Leander is an experienced digital marketer and an online solopreneur.

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